People frequently ask for recommendations of resources and background reading on graduate education reform and career paths for humanities scholars. Here are a few of the things I often suggest.
[This was originally posted at my personal site; please build on it!]
- #alt-academy is an excellent resource on a wide range of topics related to varied career paths. The site has several open calls for papers at the moment, so browse, read, and submit!
- The Praxis Network features a small few like-minded, differently-structured programs that are all rethinking humanities pedagogy and scholarship. It’s a great place to get new ideas.
- This database is a good starting point to get a sense of the kinds of careers that people pursue after grad school. Want to add your name? Please do!
- Two good compilations of resources are available on David J. Drysdale’s website and from the Liberal Arts Career Services center at the University of Texas
- These two pieces by Bethany Nowviskie: “Two and a Half Cheers for the Lunaticks” and “It Starts on Day One”
- Reports and resources from SCI’s meetings on the graduate education (Oct 2012, March 2013)
- Fear of Being Useful> (Inside Higher Ed, Jan 2012) on the value of the humanities
- The Radical New Humanities PhD (Inside Higher Ed, May 2012), which mentions ways that existing programs are rethinking their structure/curriculum
- No More Plan B,” by Anthony T. Grafton and James Grossman (AHA, Oct 2011)
- The executive summary [pdf] of the recent CGS/ETS study, Pathways Through Graduate School and Into Careers. This study is great for contextualizing employment issues across a broader range of disciplines
- This section of Hacking the Academy
- VersatilePhD can be a useful resource, especially if you study or work at a member institution
- This public Zotero collection may be useful
There are many other great resources out there, so please add to the list!